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Some of the latest research points to the possibility that humans’ first language was music. Our brains are highly developed in the ability to encode meaning through tone, melody patterns, rhythm, timbre, pitch, and harmony. We also find that some of these data points are in line with geometry, molecular combinations in our own DNA and the fibonacci sequence that are at play on a nanoscale in biology and concurrently in the earth’s delicate climate balance.
As Dr. Daniel J. Levitin elucidates in his book This is Your Brain on Music we can tie all the above to neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, cognitive psychology, and evolution.
Join us at the Earth Codes Observatory as we make the latest VR and immersive art that elucidates music codes available to the public. Perhaps this experience will change the way you work, or your children imagine their future. Is music a code that points to our evolution?
Drums are the heartbeat – The first sense that’s active in utero is the sense of touch, and the first input it receives is the rhythmic beating of mom’s heart. Drum traditions from all over the world mimic this most primary of human experiences.