Welcome! Earth Codes and Tima are joining forces…
…in a campaign to support the Kogi Indigenous peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombia) reclaim and regenerate their ancestral land and traditional knowledge systems.
Help the Kogi reclaim and regenerate Kogi ancestral land and traditional knowledge systems.
Background: The Kogi are an Indigenous peoples living in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Despite centuries of attempted colonization and assimilation, the Kogi have largely maintained their autonomy and biocultural harmony through continued voluntary isolation, their overarching nature-based cosmovision, strong cultural identity, and intricately intertwined spiritual-political governance model over social, economic and natural systems.
The Kogi continue in their struggles to reclaim, regenerate and conserve their ancestral territory, asking for full rights and access also to all their sacred sites, so that they may continue to practice their traditions of giving offerings - something that the Kogi consider vital for maintaining balance and harmony between humans and non-humans, as well as material and spiritual worlds.
Similarly, the Kogi are asking for support in their efforts to revitalize and safeguard their traditional knowledge systems, supporting the existing knowledge holders, both men and women, in recuperating their rightful spaces and institutions.
Tima is looking to help channel funds and resources to support the Kogi in their efforts.
For more information,
read Aili Pyhälä’ latest article about the Kogui.
Questions? Email us at info@timaweb.world
If you would like to support this project please fill out donation form:
"All images credit: Aili Pyhälä"