Reawakening the feeling that we are part of nature — not apart from it.


Experience the Codes at the Observatory.

Biomimicry, languages, indigenous knowledge, animal communication can be experienced in virtual reality, immersive art exhibits and other media that open the senses of discovery.

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Listen to the interviews.

Our podcast “Biomimics” can be heard online at and in a live studio audience setting. We interview award winning scientists, futurists, artists and entrepreneurs who are using the codes to better the planet and humanity.

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Our historic headquarters are located in the heart of San Francisco in a turn-of-the-century library.

Our historic headquarters are located in the heart of San Francisco in a turn-of-the-century library.

Join the conversation at live events.

Here is some description text. Nunc cursus erat ut nisi facilisis, vel fringilla neque pellentesque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique facilisis habitant.

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Presently calling all scientists, artists, entrepreneurs and engineers who are seeing and documenting the codes they see in nature, music, and language — that can be shared through multiple senses.

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