Data Explorers

Autodesk Research, OpenIDEO, GoogleX

Explorers break new ground based on the findings of the Philosophers. They experiment and prototype the promising possibilities to test how viable they are in reality. They plant seeds, initiate, and iterate the new.

Data Builders

OpenAI, MidJourney

Builders expand on what works by measuring, refining, and growing proven solutions to make them more effective, efficient, and widely available.

Example activities: Metrics (like KPIs), defining protocols and practices, process engineering, collecting bodies of knowledge

Data Standardizers

WC3, Mozilla, BioMimicry Institute

Standardizers commodify, streamline, automate, and roll out known patterns on a mass scale, distributing broadly and creating security and stability.

Example activities: Building infrastructure, defining standards and laws, planning for and providing utilities for all, distributing resources, documenting best practices, automation